Family Intervention

Family Intervention.

Another avenue of intervention may be the treatment of the individual family. While this mode of treatment will differ depending on the provider and the family taking services, there are some key facts to consider for treatment. Immigrant and refugee peoples may need special consideration for possible differences in family structure and dynamics, religious considerations, language challenges, collectivism/individualism, hierarchy, gender roles, acculturation, and exploration of ethnic identity (Rastogi & Wadhwa, 2006). The provider should also focus on the identified problem the family wishes to address. This creates complex needs and increases the need for clinicians to be culturally aware.

What Are The Treatment Techniques In Family Intervention

After framing family intervention within psychology, we will see what family intervention is as such and what it focuses on.

First, family intervention is a process designed to improve and strengthen family relationships.

Thus, this process tries to help family members realize how their behaviour contributes to a problem.

Family intervention is helpful, whether it is strengthening communication skills, behaviour change or managing emotions.

For this reason, it is also contemplated in other situations, such as supporting relatives of chronically ill patients.

The fact is that the family, as we will see later, is the fundamental pillar on which people are sustained as individuals.

Do you see it?

Now, there are four basic techniques :




Maintain analytical neutrality

Through these, the therapist is used to execute the family intervention.

Regarding behaviourism or cognitivism, the evaluation focuses on communication and interaction.

Why Intervene In The Family?

As we were saying at the beginning of this post, the family is the main livelihood of a person.

Therefore, its importance when dealing with conflicts is crucial.

Moreover, it is the key to the treatment of many psychological disorders.

Families represent much more than mutual care and support. For many of us, it is the space where we carry out our deepest human experiences. Intimacy and passion, identity and individuality, connection to the past and belief in the future derive from that little nexus. Because the deepest human feelings have their source in the family.- Richard Jolly

However, the truth is that you do not always intervene in the same way.

This is because the same types of conflicts and the same level of family involvement only sometimes occur.

For example, there may be a situation of child abuse or perhaps a member of the family unit is a drug addict, and this affects the nucleus.

As you can see, it is not just a single conflicting situation.

Therefore, one case cannot be treated in the same way as another.…

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